Mungrisdale -


1 min read
Image Source: Vivienne Crow

Mungrisdale is tucked in right at the eastern base of the Northern Fells. People come here either for the pub, the Mill Inn, or to lace up their boots and head for the hills. Bowscale Fell (2303ft/702m), haunted Souther Fell (1712ft/522m) and even mighty Blencathra (2847ft/868m) can all be climbed directly from the small car park opposite the village hall. Another popular excursion is the walk up to Bowscale Tarn, an almost perfect example of a corrie tarn, created by the action of ice during the last glacial period.

The unfenced road that passes through the tiny village is a good place for spotting fell ponies, descended from native breeds that have inhabited Cumberland and Westmorland for hundreds if not thousands of years.